My Iona

Commencement 2024

Join us as we continue to celebrate the Class of 2024!

Dublin, Ireland

Explore and experience Irish culture, history and traditions while learning about the importance of Irish Theatre and how it began and continues to thrive in the modern era. Attend world class Irish theatre productions, take part in excursions to incredible sites and locales in and around Dublin and Galway, and more!


  • Enroll in FPA 491 (Irish theater);
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5;
  • Students under any active form of academic of disciplinary probation at the time of departure will not be permitted to participate in the program.

Estimated Cost: $2800 - $3000

This includes:

  • Roundtrip airfare;
  • Ground transportation in Ireland;
  • Shared hotel lodging;
  • Several group meals;
  • All excursion, museum and tour admission fees.

Course Overview: FPA 491

This course is designed to have students experience Irish Theatre by attending top tier Irish productions in New York City as well as attending world renowned Irish Theatre in the cities of Galway and Dublin. Also, while in Ireland, students will get a tour of the backstage areas of these theatres and embark on full day tours of the most majestic and important sites around the Emerald Isle. Excursions include visits to Trinity College-where an original Book of Kells is housed-as well as site visits and tours of Giants Causeway, Belfast, Dunluce, Glendalough, Kilkenny, the Cliffs of Moher and the Wicklow Mountains, just to name a few of the fantastic locales we will visit! When in the classroom, instruction will be based on supporting the visit to these locations and delve into the plays, the playwrights, theatres, performers and importance of Irish Theatre from the beginnings to the modern. There are no prerequisites either in the theatre or the culture of Ireland needed for this course. All participants are sure to learn much from this unique study abroad course!

Apply Now: Dublin, Ireland


Thomas Donnarumma, MFA
Email: or

A city street in Ireland during the evening.
Cliffs near the ocean in Ireland.

A Transformational Experience

Study abroad is not just about travel: it’s a chance to grow as a person. Hear more about how students came back from their experiences with new friends, fresh perspectives and lifelong memories.