Student Health Requirements
Health Services is committed to assisting you in achieving optimal wellness and academic success!
All incoming students are required to complete mandatory health requirements as you join the Iona community.
All health records are due by July 1 for the fall semester and January 1 for the spring semester. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Overview of Student Health Requirements
- The health portal we use is called “Medicat.” After registering for classes, please allow 3-4 days to gain access to Medicat.
- All health records are due July 1 for the fall semester and January 1 for the spring semester. Failure to successfully submit ALL requirements prior to the due date may result in a delay in moving into your residential hall or permission to attend classes.
- All health forms are available in Medicat. Forms must include your full name as registered at Iona and your date of birth (month/day/year). All health records (including immunizations) must be written in English and signed and dated by a MD or Nurse Practitioner (NP).
- Successfully submitted health records are listed at the bottom of your account in the health portal. You may check each file you uploaded or remove and re-upload if necessary.
- Due to the large volume of health records, students will only be contacted if there is an issue with their health record. If you are contacted, please follow the link to receive the text messages on your phone.
- For questions related to Student Health, please email or call (914) 633-2548.
- For questions related to Health Insurance, please email Student Financial Services at or call (914) 633-2125.
- Student athletes must complete and upload all University health requirements to Medicat. In addition, student athletes must complete the health requirements specific to “athletics” and upload documentation to Athletic Training Registrar (ATR).
- Graduate students must complete all health requirements, regardless of if you are attending class online, attend in person or a returning student. Proof of immunizations for MMR, Meningitis and QuantiFERON titers are required for entry to class. Refer to page 4 of the Health Assessment Form for more information.
- You may access Medicat using your cell phone or your computer. Access to the portal is limited to American cell service. Directions for uploading documents to the portal are listed below.
Steps for Completing Student Health Requirements
The following steps must be completed to become compliant with the health requirements. Forms and assessments are found in the Medicat Patient Portal. All requested documentation will be uploaded to the Medicat Patient Portal. Forms will not be accepted via fax or mail. Please retain copies of all documentation submitted for your record.
Step 1: Complete four online health assessments
- Meningitis
- TB
- Acknowledgement of HIPPA
- Text Option
Step 2: Enter dates and upload proof of the following immunizations and vaccinations (signed by MD or NP):
- Proof of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Immunizations
- *MMR – enter 2 dates
Measles (2 dates), Mumps (1 date), Rubella (1 date)
*MMR titers
- *MMR – enter 2 dates
- Proof of Meningitis Immunization
Required for all residential students, recommended for commuter students.- Meningitis A – received 1 dose obtained within 5 years of entry
Meningitis B – received 2-3 doses within 5 years of entry
- Meningitis A – received 1 dose obtained within 5 years of entry
- Covid Vaccine/Booster (recommended but not required)
- QuantiFERON Titers – (Titer results obtained within 3 months of entry)
Step 3. Upload forms to the Patient Portal
- All forms are located under “Forms”
- Required: Health Assessment Form
- Completed within one year of entry
- Must include MD/NP signature and date
- Required: Health Insurance Form
- Upload with a photo of the front and back of your health insurance card
- Authorization for Treatment of Minor if you are under 18 years of age upon beginning classes at Iona
*If you are unable to find documentation of your MMR immunizations, you may upload MMR titers obtained within 3 months of entry to Iona.
Accessing the Medicat Patient Portal
Scan the QR code below or click here to access the Medicat patient portal.
Directions for uploading documents to the portal are listed below.

Directions for Uploading Documents to the Patient Portal
Your cell phone is the easiest method to upload your health records to the portal. Save all your completed forms in your photo library. When uploading your forms to the portal – if you have the choice of what “size” your document is - use the “large” option.
- To have access to the portal, complete steps 1-6 of
the Roadmap for accepted students, found here. - Access the health portal here.
- Sign in using your Iona email and password. You will be prompted to enter your Multi-Factor Authentication Code from One Login Protect.
- After successfully logging in, you will see 3 horizontal lines on the top left menu bar.
- Menu Bar
- Home: brings you back to home base
- Immunization: enter dates of immunizations
- Upload: upload your forms
- Forms: obtain your forms
- Messages: check for messages
- Education: receive your patient education
- Covid: reflects your current covid status
- My Profile: update your personal information
- Menu Bar
1. Online Assessments
- Click on Menu Bar - choose “Forms”
- Complete online assessment for HIPPA, TB, Meningitis and text option for Medicat communication
2. Under “Downloadable Required Forms”
- Download & print each required form located under
“Forms” - Save each form to the photo library on your phone.
- Upload
- Health Assessment Form
- Health Insurance Card - front and back
- Authorization to Treat a Minor - if under 18 years of age upon entry to Iona
- Proof of all immunizations
- Enter titer levels for QuantiFERON and MMR.
- Use the dropdown menu to choose the form you will be uploading. Press “enter” & “save” after each upload.
- Review your successfully uploaded files at the bottom of the portal. You may delete or re-upload files accordingly.
3. Immunizations
- Click on Menu Bar - choose Immunizations (top row) Enter dates of each vaccine: MMR, Meningitis & Covid
4. Under “Upload”
- Choose “Immunization” - upload proof (scan or photo) of each vaccine record.
- Access the health portal here.
- Log in using your Iona email address and password.
- Complete online assessment for HIPPA, TB, Meningitis and text option for Medicat communication
- Under “Downloadable Required Forms”
Download & print each required form (located on top row under “Forms”)
Save each form to your computer.
-Health Assessment Form
-Health Insurance Card - front and back
-Authorization to Treat a Minor - if under 18 years of age upon entry to Iona
-Proof of all immunizations
-Enter titers level for QuantiFERON and MMR. - Under - “Immunizations” (top row)
Enter dates of each vaccine: MMR, Meningitis & Covid - Under “Upload”
Choose “Immunization” - upload proof (scan or photo) of each vaccine record.
Details on Student Health Requirements
As per New York State Public Health Law 2165, all undergraduate and graduate students, including visiting students, born on or after January 1, 1957, enrolled for 6 or more credits must provide the University with documentation of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Documentation can be through proof of vaccine history, documented history or illness, or immunity proven by serologic testing. Students who are not in compliance with their health requirements will not be allowed to attend class, move in to their residential halls or participate in any university activity pending verification of all health records. All health records must be provided in English with the name, date of birth (month/date/year), signed by MD or nurse practitioner.
Vaccine History
Provide a certificate of immunization verifying the date of the disease, or the administered measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. This includes documents such as:
- A certificate from a licensed physician or nurse practitioner.
- An immunization record card signed by a MD or NP.
- Immunization certificate from another educational institution which you have attended.
- A military dependent's vaccine record.
- The student must submit proof of honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years from the date of application to the institution. The proof of honorable discharge shall qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend the institution pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services.
All immunizations must have been given no more than 4 days prior to the student's first birthday:
- Live Measles: 2 doses required. Vaccines must have been administered at least 28 days apart.
- Live Mumps: 1 injection required.
- Live Rubella: 1 injection required.
Documented History of Illness
If diagnosed by a physician or nurse practitioner, a history of having had measles and/or mumps is acceptable proof of immunity. The physician or nurse practitioner must enter the dates of initial diagnosis.
Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing
Blood antibody titer, a blood test, may be used to indicate immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Please submit the original dated laboratory report. This report must include laboratory name, the student's name and date of birth, the numerical result(s), and the numerical interpretation ranges. TITERS MUST OBTAINED WITHIN 3 MONTHS OF ENTRY TO IONA.
New York State Law 2167 requires institutions, including colleges and universities, to distribute information about meningococcal disease and vaccination to all students-undergraduate, graduate and visiting-meeting the enrollment criteria, whether they live on or off campus.
Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccination Response Form
Iona University adheres to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding meningitis and students living in residence halls, and requires all students who will be living in a residence hall be immunized prior to move-in day. See CDC information on meningococcal.
Please submit proof of COVID-19 vaccine and booster (if received).
QUANTIFERON measures your exposure to active tuberculosis. Upload QuantiFERON titers (obtained within 3 months) to Medicat.
Medical Exemption
A student with a health condition for which receiving a specific vaccine is contraindicated, a licensed physician must document the student's condition for which immunization may be detrimental and length of time immunization may be detrimental for.
In the event of an outbreak, medically exempt individuals will be excluded from classes and on-campus for their protection.
Religious Exemption
A student who holds genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the practice of immunization must submit their request for exemption in writing. The request must be signed by the student if 18 years or older or by the parent or guardian if the student is under the age of 18. Iona University has the right to request supporting documents be submitted for religious exemptions.
In the event of an outbreak, religious exempt individuals will be excluded from classes and on-campus for their protection.
All students are given 28 days from the first day of class to comply with New York State Public Health Laws. After this grace period, students will be excluded from attending classes, residing in residence halls, participating in team sports and other curricular and extra-curricular activities on campus.
Immunization Requirements
Iona University is mandated to comply with New York State Department of Health Public Health Laws regarding immunizations requirements for attendance at post-secondary institution.