My Iona

Major Recommendations and Course Placement Information

Major recommendations vary, and include general core, prerequisites, co-requisites, and introductory major courses. As a rule, all freshmen take a writing course in their first term, either ENG 120 or one of three literature courses from the Core. When not possible, all freshmen are reminded that ENG 120 – Freshmen Composition – must be fulfilled in the first year.

Placement for Math, Science, and Computer Science Majors

Placement information for Math, Science, and Computer Science, involves skills in Calculus and lab-based sciences with math applications. Students may be guided to prerequisite level courses so that they may be fully prepared for the major level course. All placement information will be discussed with your assigned academic advisor.

Course & Program Recommendations

Placement Scores for Spanish and Italian

Placement in Spanish
Score on Placement Exam (raw score out of 40) Iona Course
0-11 SPA 150
12-24 SPA 151
25-37 SPA 250
Above 37 Contact Arts & Languages Department
Placement in Italian
Score on Placement Exam (raw score out of 33) Iona Course
0-10 ITA 150
11-20 ITA 151
20-30 ITA 250
Above 30 Contact Arts & Languages Department