My Iona

Integrated Core Theme

For Students Entering Before Fall 2022

One of the unique features of Iona’s Core Curriculum is the Integrated Core Theme (ICT).

The ICT is a set of four courses: a 3-credit Humanities Centerpiece course and three integrated courses, which work together to explore a specific theme from various perspectives. The Humanities Centerpiece is taken in either freshman or sophomore year. The three integrated courses are not additional courses in the Core, but rather existing core courses, major, minor, or elective courses that fulfill your chosen theme.

Integrated Core Themes: 

  • Violence
  • Society and the Scientific Mind
  • Innovation and the Creative Mind
  • Sustainability and the Green Mind
  • Identity: Persons, Societies, and Culture
  • Revolutions: Real, Imagined, and Digital
  • Women: Sex, Gender, and Society

For example, if you select Violence as your theme, you will choose your Humanities Centerpiece from these courses: The History of Violence (History), Narratives of Violence (English), or Violence, Peace and Social Justice (Religious Studies).

Once you have chosen your Centerpiece, you will choose three other courses from a range of areas, including:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Fine and Performing Arts
  • History
  • Italian
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sociology

To provide a wide-reaching view of the theme, you will choose no more than two courses from the same discipline/department.

ICT Selection Instructions


Humanities Centerpiece: The History of Violence (History)

Integrated Courses:

  • Introduction to Forensic Science (Biology)
  • Victimology (Criminal Justice)
  • Human Rights (Political Science)

This ICT explores violence and non-violence as historical and societal realities, strategies, and psychological inclinations. Violence and non-violence are studied through the lens of a variety of disciplines and discourses that engage questions about human nature, the history and nature of civilization, and the impact of violence on society.

Humanities Centerpiece

Choose one (1) course:

Humanities Centerpiece
Choose one (1) course
Course Number Course Name
HST 345 The History of Violence 
ENG 353 Narratives of Violence 
RST 318 Violence, Peace and Social Justice

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated Courses
Choose three (3) courses
Course Number Course Name
BIO 113 The Biology of Poison, Murder and Mayhem
BIO 120 Introduction to Forensic Science
CHM 125 Criminalistics Laboratory I
CHM 140 Chemistry of Emotions
CS 315 Software Security
CRJ 320 Corrections
CRJ 325 Critical Issues in Policing
CRJ 360 Terrorism
CRJ 430 Victimology
FPA 235 Music in Film and Video 
HST 315 Civil War and Reconstruction
HST 335 The Development of American Foreign Relations
HST 336 American Foreign Relations in the Modern Age
HST 374 Revolution in the Modern World
HST 385 The Modern Middle East: From the Rise of Nation States to ISIS
ITA 265 Dante’s Inferno
PHL 356 Social and Political Philosophy
PHL 381 Philosophy of Law
POL 317 Politics of Evil
POL 323 Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights
POL 333 Politics of Nonviolence
POL 364 International Law and Organizations
POL 370 Human Rights
PSY 222 Psychology of the Criminal Offender
PSY 342 Violence Toward the Self
RST 327 The Holocaust and the Churches
RST 370 Creative Peacemaking
SOC 306 The Sociology of Deviant Behavior
SOW 3330 Violence, Trauma & Resilience

This ICT explores how science and scientific thinking influence social issues, cultural controversies, and intellectual arguments. Students will cultivate the scientific mind and apply the scientific method through an engagement with disciplines from the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Students will identify the many ways science frames and gives meaning to our experience, consider what is distinctive about scientific thinking, and reflect on our shared responsibility to cultivate and practice it.

Humanities Centerpiece

Choose one (1) course:

Humanities Centerpiece (choose one)
Course Number Course Name
ENG 348 Science Fiction
PHL 365 Philosophy of Science 
RST 406 Biomedical Ethics and the Christian Tradition

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated courses (choose three)
Course Number Course Name
BIO 101  General Biology 
BIO 125  Environmental Science I
BIO 225  Environmental Science II
BUS 210 Statistics
CHM 109 General Chemistry
CS 142  Website Design
CS 144  Introduction to Game Development
CS 146  Introduction to Robotics
CS 201  Computer Science I
CS 434  Game Development
CS 436  Advanced Game Development
CS 461  Artificial Intelligence
CS 464  Parallel and Scientific Computing
CS 465  Data Mining
ECO 309 Statistics for Economists
ECO 310 Econometrics
ECO 370 Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
ECO 380 Health Economics
EDU 202 Foundations of Educational Theory
EDU 373 Instruction and Assessment Strategies for Learning Mathematics
EDU 384 Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Teaching Science to Children in Inclusive Classrooms
HST 351 Europe, 1648-1799: The Age of Reason and Revolutions
IS 301  Applied Statistical Analysis
IS 415  Big Data Analytics and Business Innovation
IS 432  Predictive Analysis of Business
IS 435  Risk Analysis and Decision Technology
MKT 330   Marketing Research
MTH 231 Calculus I
MTH 236 Introduction to Proof
MTH 270 Applied Statistics
MTH 310 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 432 Probability and Statistics I
PHL 356 Social and Political Philosophy
PHL 361 Ethical Issues in Science and Technology
PHL 366 Problems in Medical Ethics
PHY 101 General Physics
POL 201 American Government I
POL 302 Research Methods in Political Science
POL 305 Social Statistics
POL 372 Environmental Law
PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology 1
PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology 2
PSY 323 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 1
PSY 324 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 2
PSY 336 Psychological Tests and Measures
PSY 390 Research Methods for Psychology 1
RST 213 Religion and the Natural World
RST 339 Spirituality in Ecological Age
RST 341 Story of the Universe: Foundational Cosmology and Earth History
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology

This ICT introduces students to the interdisciplinary nature of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking. Innovation advances every academic field, though it may take different forms and produce different outcomes from discipline to discipline. Courses in this ICT demonstrate the historical, societal, artistic, and scientific importance of innovation and creativity, and help students apply creative and entrepreneurial processes to problems in disparate areas of study.

Humanities Centerpiece

Choose one (1) course:

Humanities Centerpiece (choose one)
Course Number Course Name
ENG 354 Playing on the Edge: Innovation and Non-Normativity
HST 304 From Hamilton to Mickey Mouse: The Politics of Innovation in American History
PHL 320 Philosophy of Knowledge
RST 370 Creative Peacemaking

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated Courses
Choose three (3) courses:
Course Number Course Name
BIO 440/441 Research
BIO 480 Molecular Biology
CHM 150 Chemistry and the Nano World
CHM 441/442 Research
CDS 1152 Search for Patterns
CS 142 Web Design
CS 144 Intro to Game Development
CS 146 Intro to Robotics
CS 434 Game Development
CS 436 Advanced Game Development
CS 461 Artificial Intelligence
CS 481 Software Project Development: Design
CS 482 Software Project Development: Implementation
ENG 451 Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG 452 Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG 454 Digital Age Writing, Reading and Living
ENT 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Practice & Mindset
FLM 450 Scriptwriting
FPA 202 Music Appreciation
FPA 211 Introduction to Sculpture
FPA 220 Dance Appreciation
FPA 230 Introduction to Acting
FPA 245 Introduction to Choreography
FPA 359 Music Theory
FPA 391 Iona University Theatre Ensemble
IS 320 Applications Development with Visual Basic
IS 431 Building Mobile Business Applications
ITA 260 Italian Civilization
MSC 317 Public Opinion Dynamics
MSC 350 Writing for the Screen
MSC 403 Advertising Campaigns
MSC 413 Public Relations Campaigns and New Media
MSC 430 The Producer’s Craft
MKT 301 Consumer Behavior
MKT 330 Market Research
MNG 330 Small Business Management
MNG 360 Corporate Environmental Management
PHL 218 Markets and Morals
PHL 219 Ethics and Entrepreneurial Leadership
PHL 321 Philosophy of Mind
PHL 360 Ethics and Business
PHL 361 Ethical Issues in Science and Technology
PHL 365 Philosophy of Science
PHY 441/442 Research
PSY 338 History and Systems: Psychology of Learning
RST 340 Creation Masters Series
RST 345 Note to Self: Sacred Music & Poetry
SCS 205 Interpersonal Speech Communication
SCS 209 Business and Professional Speaking
SCS 370 Small Group Communication
SPA 255 Conducting Business in Hispanic Cultures

This ICT offers students an integrated understanding of the various factors challenging the sustainability of human life in the cosmos. Students will evaluate humankind’s impact on the environment, to assess and plan for its care and protection. The interplay among the scientific, ethical, business, spiritual, political, historical, social, and policy dimensions of the crisis confronting continued life on earth will be studied.

Humanities Centerpiece

Humanities Centerpiece
Course Number Course Name
RST 341 The Story of the Universe: Foundational Cosmology and Earth History 

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated courses (choose three)
Course Number Course Name
BIO 125 Environmental Science I
BIO 201 Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
BIO 225 Environmental Science II
CHM 115 Chemistry and the Environment
ECO 370 Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
ENG 389 Climate Change Literature
FIN 438 Sustainable Finance
MSC 210 Advertising
MKT 385 Global Green Marketing
POL 203 Introduction to Global Politics
POL 372 Environmental Law
POL 373 Global Cities and the Environment
RST 213 Religion and the Natural World
RST 339 Spirituality for an Ecological Age
RST 340 Creation Masters Series
RST 370 Creative Peacemaking
RST 404 Catholic Creation Theology
RST 412 Environmental Ethics and Religion
SOW 2200 SL Sustainability and Community: An Environmental Justice Perspective

This ICT explores the theme of both individual and collective identity and their various points of contact. Particular attention is paid to investigating identity as socially and culturally constructed, and the ways in which such a socially and culturally constructed identity may be in tension with notions of individual inclination and will. Instead of taking individual and collective identity as a given set of unchanging qualities, students will consider the shifting relationship among identity, contact, and belonging and their responsibility for the formation of their own personal, cultural, and spiritual identities.

Humanities Centerpiece

Choose one (1) course:

Humanities Centerpiece (choose one)
Course Number Course Name
ENG 352 Shifting Selves: Identity, Contact and Belonging 
HST 337 The Immigrant Experience
PHL 304 Philosophy of Childhood
RST 328 The Religious Imagination 

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated courses (choose three)
Course Number Course Name
BIO 108 Body Structure and Function
BST 101 Black Cultural Identity, Past & Present
BUS 410 The Role of Business in Contemporary American Society
CHM 120 Medicine Demystified
CHM 135 Science and Superheroes
CHM 140 Chemistry of Emotions
CRJ 320 Corrections
CRJ 430 Victimology
ECO 300 Comparative Economic Growth and Development
ECO 416 International Economics
EDU 202 Foundations of Educational Theory
ENG 339 World Drama
ENG 365 African American Literature
ENG 372 Multicultural Writers of America
ENG 378 Children's Literature
ENG 384 Images of Women in Modern American Literature
ENG 444 Post-Colonial Literature
FLM 355 Independent Cinema
FLM 362 International Film
FPA 237 Music in World Cultures
FPA 240 Introduction to World Dance Forms
HST 411 Oral History: Methodology and Applications
ITA 261 Italian American Experience
ITA 266 Sinners and Saints: Dante’s Purgatorio and Paradiso
MSC 326 Race and Gender in Mass Communications
MKT 301 Consumer Behavior
PHL 321 Philosophy of Mind
PHL 375 Aesthetics
POL 316 Inequality and American Democracy
POL 333 Politics of Non-Violence
POL 337 Gender and Politics
POL 370 Human Rights
POL 371 Politics of Global Health
PSY 212 Child Psychology
PSY 213 Adolescent Psychology
PSY 321 Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSY 338 History and Systems: Psychology of Learning
PSY 339 Personality Theory
PSY 412 Social Psychology
PSY 441 Developmental Psychology
RST 215 Islam: History, Belief, Practice
RST 324 Christian Sexual Ethics
RST 343 Sufism: Traditions of Islamic Mysticism
SOC 202 Science, Society and Self
SOC 372 Sociology of Popular Culture
SOW 2240 Emerging Issues in Aging

This ICT explores how revolution is understood in particular times and places, and its roles in the past and present. The world in which we live was created by numerous political, social, cultural, intellectual, and economic upheavals. Iona University itself is directly connected to these trends through its Institute for Thomas Paine Studies (ITPS). We are also witnessing a profound and rapid transformation of information and communications technologies that alter the modes in which we study the humanities. The examination of the ICT theme will be enhanced in the Humanities Centerpiece courses by addressing media and information literacy skills that are an essential component of the digital humanities.

Humanities Centerpiece
Choose one (1) course
Course Number Course Name
ENG 454 Digital Age Writing, Reading, and Living
HST 316 The Age of Revolution and Historical Memory
Integrated Courses
Choose three (3) courses
Course Number Course Name
BIO 115 DNA and Biotechnology
BUS 150 Introduction to Information Systems
CHM 309 Physical Chemistry
CS 321 Database Design & Implementation
CS 465 Data Mining
EDU 383 Instruction and Assessment for Teaching Social Studies to All Children
ENG 405 Seventeenth-Century British Literature: The World Turned Upside Down
ENG 430 The Romantic Poets: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley and Byron
ENT 301 Introduction to Ideation and Design Thinking
FPA 213 Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art
FPA 226 Theatre History: The Renaissance to the Modern Theatre
FPA 246 Digital Photography and Imaging Manipulation
HST 310 American Colonial History
HST 352 Ideologies and Empires in Nineteenth-Century Europe
HST 355 The Soviet Experiment and Post-Soviet Successor States
HST 368 Conflict in Twentieth-Century Europe
HST 391 China: From Confucianism to Communism
HST 396 The Emergence of Modern Latin America
MSC 230 Digital Literacy and Practice
PHL 309 Major Representatives of Modern Philosophy
PHL 314 Major Representatives of American Philosophy
PHL 355 Thomas Paine and the Revolutionary Tradition
POL 314 American Political Thought
POL 315 Great Political Thinkers
POL 327 Politics and Media
POL 346 The Third World: Politics and Development
RST 207 Vatican II and Catholic Reform
SOC 301 Major Social Thinkers
SOC 322 Race and Ethnic Relations

This ICT explores issues of gender equality as well as gender biases and oppressions that are concealed under the disguise of habits and traditions. Courses will examine the social movements and intellectual approaches that help uncover hidden biases. When hidden biases are made explicit and when structural oppressions are articulated, students can identify a path toward gender equality and justice in our societies. By taking a set of courses that is sensitive to feminist concerns and justice for women, students will be able to challenge gender assumptions and inequalities that continue to plague our world.

Humanities Centerpiece

Choose one (1) course:

Humanities Centerpiece (choose one)
Course Number Course Name
ENG 384 Images of Women in Modern American Literature 
PHL 354 Feminist Philosophy 
RST 330 Women, Gender and Religion

Integrated Courses

Choose three (3) courses:

Integrated courses (choose three)
Course Number Course Name
CRJ 430 Victimology
FPA 209 Women in Music
FPA 275 Women in Dance
PHL 337 Philosophy and Culture
PHL 381 Philosophy of Law
POL 337 Gender and Politics
PSY 321 Psychology of Human Sexuality
RST 324 Christian Sexual Ethics
SCS 221 Gender Differences in Human Communication
SOC 306 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
SOC 324 Sex and Gender Roles in Modern Society
SOW 3330 Violence, Trauma & Resilience


Elena Procario-Foley

Elena G. Procario-Foley, Ph.D.

Director, Core Curriculum

Br. John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies

Professor of Religious Studies