Nursing Department
If your calling is to save lives and provide the highest quality of patient care, you will find your way through our Nursing Department.
Nursing has been named the most trusted profession for the past twenty years. If you want to discover your calling to join this noble profession, make Iona Nursing your educational home.
With a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences that is rooted in Iona’s mission and philosophy that embraces intellectual inquiry, appreciation for diversity, learning outside the lines, and serving society, your journey to become a morally-reflective and critically-thinking healthcare professional starts at Iona.
You will learn in a caring academic community that supports your individual learning needs, using state-of-the art simulation and technology that mimics current healthcare settings. You will learn to become an integral member on an interprofessional team while providing the highest-quality, patient-centered care to diverse populations across the lifespan and continuum of care in internationally renowned healthcare facilities.
You will learn to be an advocate, leader, and compassionate nurse from exceptional faculty who are practicing clinicians and are here to support your successful educational journey.
If you are ready to become a nurse that is prepared for the challenges of our future healthcare environment, discover Iona Nursing.
The Kelly Center for Health Sciences
Nursing Programs
Alpha Gamma Theta

NewYork-Presbyterian School of Health Sciences Department of Nursing is excited to announce its inaugural Sigma Theta Tau International chapter, Alpha Gamma Theta, founded September 1, 2024. Our goal is to honor the founders’ vision of improving health through service to others, demonstrating Sigma’s and nursing’s core values.
About Sigma Theta Tau International
Founded in 1922, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) has more than 100,000 active members and 600 chapters from all over the world. Sigma members include nurses from all disciplines and backgrounds working to fulfill the organization’s vision of connected, empowered nurse leaders transforming global healthcare. The founders chose the name from the Greek words Storgé, Tharros and Timé, meaning love, courage and honor.

Meet Alpha Gamma Theta’s Inaugural Board and Committee Members
President: Karen Bauce, DNP, MPA, RN, NEA-BC
Vice President: Christy Solorio, Ph.D., MS, RN, CNE, CPN
Secretary: Monica Diamond-Caravella, DNP, MSN, RN, AE-C
Treasurer: Christine Dixie Douville, EdD., MSN, RN
Counselor: Bridget Messina, MSN, RN-C, CHSE
Chair, Leadership Succession Committee: Rhoda San Jose, DNP, MS, RN, NPD-BC, CHSE
Leadership Succession Committee: Adele Stanley, Ph.D., MSN, RN, FNP-BC
Chair, Governance Committee: Angela Chlebowski, DNP, RN, C-EFM

Learn More
Interested in learning more about Sigma membership and eligibility requirements for nursing students and nurse leaders? Please see Sigma’s membership Frequently Asked Questions as a start or contact Bridget Messina, chapter counselor, if you have any other questions.
Contact Us
Nursing Department
Undergraduate Programs
Victoria Porter
Phone: (914) 633-2679
Graduate Programs
Daniel Gallagher, Director of Graduate Admissions for the NewYork-Presbyterian Iona School of Health Sciences.
Phone: (914) 637-7770

Mission Statement
To provide high quality, accessible educational experiences that challenge and empower students to become nurse leaders working at the forefront of health care. We are committed to preparing students who are liberally educated, clinically competent, and will be compassionate, empathetic and ethical professionals. Iona’s nursing program, consistent with Iona University’s mission, will provide an educational environment that embraces intellectual inquiry, commitment to excellence, service to others, and an appreciation for inclusion and diversity.

Nursing Department Learning Outcomes
Baccalaureate Nursing Program Learning Outcomes
- Apply knowledge that integrates nursing science with that from other disciplines and the liberal arts, to support clinical judgment and innovation in nursing practice.
- Collaborate as a member of the interprofessional team to provide holistic, inclusive, culturally sensitive, ethical, and compassionate person-centered nursing care across all healthcare settings.
- Apply principles of population health in the care of diverse clients to promote and advocate for equitable health outcomes.
- Integrate evidence-based nursing practice to improve health.
- Incorporate knowledge of healthcare systems, performance metrics, regulatory policies, and costs to effectively make decisions and provide equitable care to diverse populations.
- Use informatics and communication technologies to drive clinical judgment in accordance with professional and regulatory standards to deliver quality and safe nursing care.
- Cultivate a professional nursing identity that reflects ethical principles, human dignity, and social justice.
- Create a leadership approach that values personal well-being, lifelong learning, and continued acquisition of professional nursing expertise.
Graduate Nursing Program Learning Outcomes
- Integrate philosophical, theoretical, and ethical knowledge from nursing science and other disciplinary perspectives to translate evidence to advance nursing practice.
- Lead collaboratively within the interprofessional team to plan, coordinate, and deliver evidence-based and holistic person-centered care that prioritizes a culture of the highest quality and safety principles in healthcare environments.
- Collaborate with partners to advocate for and create health policies that promote equitable, culturally responsive, and sustainable population healthcare.
- Lead within complex healthcare systems to recommend, design, and implement equitable solutions to improve health outcomes and system effectiveness.
- Apply informatics and communication technologies in accordance with legal and professional practices to promote quality and safe healthcare in diverse populations across the continuum of care.
- Embody a professional nursing identity that reflects moral courage, ethical principles, human dignity, social justice, and upholds accountability to the individual, society, and the profession.
- Model leadership within the nursing profession that embraces personal well-being, lifelong learning, advocacy, transformation, mentorship, and service.